By Clive Leonard - February 27, 2021
When you think about it, our brain really is quite amazing! Our brain can stretch and grow in response to all sorts of different learning challenges. And by helping both adults and our children to develop the right mindset about the brain and its capacity for learning we can empower or encourage them to become lifelong learners. And that mindset that they need – it’s called a growth mindset. Unfortunately, most adults (and children) actually have a fixed mindset about learning. Being able to switch from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is one of the most important things we can do - ...
By Clive Leonard - February 18, 2021
Magic Happens Outside of Your Comfort ZoneYour comfort zone is a place where you feel the most comfortable and secure. It’s a place where there is a great sense of certainty and predictability. Everything within the confines of this comfort zone is very familiar, and as such things seem easy and effortless to the extent that you don’t ever need to do anything that causes you any kind of discomfort. In your comfort zone, there’s just nothing new to learn and no new skills to develop. The fear zone, by its very definition, is scary and uncomfortable - makes sense ...

"With each inhale lift your heart closer to the sun. With each exhale root your heels more deeply in the ground."
