Your Comfort Zone

By Clive Leonard - February 18, 2021
Your Comfort Zone

Magic Happens Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is a place where you feel the most comfortable and secure. It’s a place where there is a great sense of certainty and predictability. Everything within the confines of this comfort zone is very familiar, and as such things seem easy and effortless to the extent that you don’t ever need to do anything that causes you any kind of discomfort. In your comfort zone, there’s just nothing new to learn and no new skills to develop.

The fear zone, by its very definition, is scary and uncomfortable - makes sense as it is outside your comfort zone. The fear zone is something that is created by our minds to protect us from danger and actually goes back to when we were being threatened by predators! This is where your “inner voice” (or “inner critic”) lives.

It is the fear zone that prevents most people from ever leaving their comfort zone.

However, those with a growth mindset are more able to endure and push through the fear zone for the sake of their own growth and learning. Because if you push through the fear zone and stay in the learning zone long enough, you will begin to experience the reality and start to believe that you can change and redefine yourself in terms of what you can do, achieve, and feel comfortable with. 

Once you experience the benefits of venturing beyond your comfort zone, you’ll find that it becomes easier and more appealing to do it again and again, because staying long enough in the learning zone helps you grow as a person at multiple levels.  

You may also experience a sense of meaning by investing time in something that matters to you, and over time, you will be in the growth zone which is the ultimate reward for enduring and breaking through the fear zone.

This process where you move through the different zones and “reach” the growth zone is not a linear process. It is in fact a very dynamic and continuous one, where you may be in the learning zone and then fall back to the fear zone when new, unforeseen challenges are presented. 

The process of growth is a process of falling and getting up, of setbacks and successes which, by its very definition, implies that it is impossible to reach the growth zone and stay there. Because as soon as you reach the growth zone you have in effect created a new “comfort zone” for yourself, along with new challenges and 'fears' ... and the process will repeat itself. 

Growth is always dynamic.

One thing is very clear - to go after your goals and dreams, you will need to leave the confines of your secure world and step into the unknown and unpredictable world that lies just beyond your comfort zone. Yes, you will have to face those fears you have, in order to build the self-confidence that you need to learn and in fact grow and expand your comfort zone. 

That is the ONLY way that you will find your true purpose, get to live your dreams, and realize any other aspirations you may have. 

If this content resonates with you and you are currently feeling stuck at work, or under-appreciated for what you do, do check out my FREE eBook ... 

What's the #1 Reason Stopping You From Finding Your Dream Role.

"With each inhale lift your heart closer to the sun. With each exhale root your heels more deeply in the ground."

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